Sunday, December 27, 2015

Here goes . . .

This is my first-ish attempt at blogging.  I say first-ish because I created a blog site several years ago but, never posted . . . probably because I forgot my password.  In any event, I am going to use this blog to document my efforts at self-improvement . . . which are sorely needed.  So, here goes . . .

Quitting Smoking

I have been smoking on and off (mostly on) for 45 years (yes, I am old).  I started when I was a teenager trying to be cool.  Both my parents smoked although my dad had quit a few months before I picked it up as a regular habit (I had smoked before but, as an ad hoc thing).  I quit several times for a year or more but, always picked it up again.  I have tried everything—cold turkey, gum, patches, e-cigs, hypnosis, rewards and Chantix®.  All worked for a while . . . eventually, however, something made me pick it up  again . . . just one to go with a drink, hanging around smokers, loving smoking, the death of my dad (non-smoking related) and general life stress.  Most of those things are still in my life but I cannot rationalize smoking anymore.  

In the last two years, I lost a lot of weight by cutting out sugar and processed food and trying to eat healthier.  That, coupled with a daily statin, cut my cholesterol by 110 points.  But, my HDL is too low compared to my LDL so . . . quitting smoking and exercising will improve that.  I can’t exercise well if I can’t breathe so . . . quitting is the only option.  I am keeping my fingers crossed!


Other than the occasional walk, I haven’t really exercised in years.  I used to swim a lot but got out of the habit.  And, pool access is pretty limited where I live.  It’s either early morning or lunch time.  Neither work well for me.  Recently, I started taking yoga . . . something I did in high school (so many years ago).  The studio I attend has both hot and regular yoga and I like both! So, I will keep doing that and try to figure out a cardio routine that’s free because . . . see below.

Clothes Buying

So, with the weight loss came a clothes buying spree!  I have completely replaced my wardrobe (including shoes) . . . at a huge cost.  I have tried to purchase only sale items or items at second-hand shops.  Occasionally, there has been an expensive impulse item or two!!!  I now have so many clothes that I have worn a different outfit every day I worked over the last two months.  This costly spree has affected my finances.  Thus, my second resolution this year is to not buy any clothes—whether full price, half-price, 70% off or used. 
Book Buying      
I am a book slut and a voracious reader.  Until recently, I probably had 1,000 books in my personal library and very little room for expansion.  This does not include the collection of my darling daughter who is also a reader extraordinaire.  Several years ago, I got an iPad.  Though I resisted the e-book at first, I ended up loving the ability to order a book at the moment I wanted it and to read in a completely dark bedroom.  But e-book buying got out of hand too!  Right now, I have 176 books on my kindle app.  And like my print books, I haven’t read all of them.

A few months ago, I had a garage sale and put every print book I had read in the sale.  Some guy bought all the fiction paperbacks and hardbacks for $150.  I wonder how much money all those books represented! A few were from my high school years . . . Cress Delahanty ( anybody?  The other great thing from the garage sale is that I got rid of three bookshelves . . . Only eight more to go (never going to get rid of the Ikea Expedia)!

Because my daughter no longer lives at home and because she gave me permission, I am slowly donating her books to an alternative high school.  One of the students started a library and I am trying to fill it up.  I hope that by the end of the year I will have reduced the book supply in my house by half. 

To that end, my goal is not to buy a single book this year.  Instead, I am going to read the books in my library and on my iPad.  I am sure I will skim through some of them . . . like those that I bought because they were on some “must read” list or those I bought because I thought I wanted to learn something of the subject or those given to me by relatives who though I needed to learn something (I re-gifted William Bennet’s The Book of Virtues years ago . . . it was given to me by a devout sibling).
It’s going to be a little tricky as I love cookbooks and love experimenting with new genres—crock pot vegetarian?  But, I guess that’s what the internet is for!

Getting my Finances in Order

I have been a shit budgeter most of my life.  Part of it probably comes from living in a schizophrenic household growing up.  One parent was always saying how poor we were (we were an upper middle-class family with two professionals as parents) and a spendthrift parent.  It didn’t help, of course, that there were many, many children and a parent whose professional life was up and down financially.  I think the lesson I learned was that you should spend money when you have it.  So, I did!
Another part was my inclination to take jobs that seemed to accommodate my life rather than jobs that paid the big bucks.  I did that once—the big bucks—and was very unhappy.  I worked too many hours and spent my time off (very limited) shopping at tony shops buying things I didn’t need but that felt like a reward!

The final part was that I was essentially a single parent.  My DD’s father sometimes paid child support and sometimes contributed to medical expenses.  But not regularly and not in a high enough amount.

Now that my daughter is an adult and making a living (better than I made at her age), I should be saving a lot more money.  But I haven’t:  cue the smoking and clothes buying!  I’m not a stuff buyer . . . there are very few tchotchkes in my house—those that there are were gifts!  But, I spend money on experiences and travel.  I visit my daughter at least once a year on my dime (if I visit a second time, it’s usually on my company’s dime).  I won’t give that up.

However, I can cut expenses.  So, no more daily coffee at the local java joint. No more cable though I am keeping Hulu.  Better food management—I seem to throw out a lot of food, especially produce.  Does the Food Saver® work?

Okay, I guess that’s enough for my first-ish post (and the second, third and fourth posts)!  I am hoping to post everyday about my goalls/resolutions and things related to them.  Undoubtedly, I will also post on completely unrelated things . . . probably some social ill that infuriates me.